Simon Sinek: How To Be A Good Leader

How To Be a Great Leader: Leading With Why

Leading With Why is a phrase made popular by Simon Sinek.  Sinek is a public speaker and author of Leading With Why and Leaders Eat Last.  The idea of “Leading With Why” is that to be a good leader, you must know your purpose, and know how to lead by example.  Before watching Sinek’s interview with Marie Forleo, I had never even heard his name.  Since watching the video, I have taken time to watch his TED talks and educate myself on his ideas, because I think they are incredible inspiring and important.

Simon Sinek: Being a Leader

There are a two main ideas that stood out to me more than others.  The first is the importance of being in a positive and uplifting environment, or the power of community.  Especially when running a business, it is incredibly important for your employees to feel safe and comfortable in their work space.  I have had a job position before where I did not feel safe.  The manager or the leader, was a bully and did not care to make sure that his employees were healthy and safe while performing their job.  Employees and employers will thrive in a safe and comfortable work space.

The second, is that leadership is a choice. You choose to be a leader, and you choose to put others first, and do everything you can to contribute a positive work environment.  Lead with kindness and compassion instead of bossing others around.  Organization is also a huge part of being a leader.  In my opinion, one of the most important things about being a leader is honesty.  Being able to admit when you need help is so important.  If you lead well, you will have plenty of people who will do what they can to help you.  Leadership, or being a leader is not just about the rank, but about the way that you show that you are a leader.