GaryVee Reflection

Gary Vaynerchuk is notorious in entrepreneur enclaves. His brazen, explicit, frenzied style is outwardly appealing. But, his on-point, forward-thinking, “I’ve been there done that” ideas bring legitimacy to his loud mouth. The serial entrepreneur is well known for his ideas in marketing and advertising. Those ideas were on full blast in a recent video titled, “95% of you will ignore this.”

This reflection is a summarization of my notes on the video. Bear with my shifting ideas.

Vaynerchuk began the video by stating how he can’t stand excuses and he wanted people to make sure their head was in the right place before going into the fields of marketing, entrepreneurship, and business in general. Even though Vaynerchuk makes many concepts seems simple, all his ideas require a lot of hard work and patience. If your mind is off, these ideas will be impossible master.

Next, Vaynerchuk focused on individuals, telling them to “triple down on what you’re good at.” This is a point he emphasized more than once. This point directly touching his next: Facebook and Instagram are the only places to be over the next three years. Most of this is based on Vaynerchuk’s belief about the ad value on these platforms. Billions of people are on Facebook and Instagram combined yet, the costs to run ads is still relatively low. With all the attention these platforms receive, they should be more expensive to advertise on. Vaynerchuk believes this won’t last for long and should be taken advantage of while possible.

Gary did have some notes on the future, however. Mainly, voice (Podcast, Amazon’s Alexa and others) are the place to be. Listening can be done will driving or working—making this medium more valuable than a video is some respects. Vaynerchuk is certain the companies who become first adopters of voice will shine while others will fall behind.

Overall, this video had an insane amount of information to try and remember. I would recommend watching it for yourself to learn more.