Optimize Your Site In 7 Useful Steps

Optimize "SEO" Graphic SEO, search engine optimization, is defined as “a marketing discipline focused on growing visibility in organic (non-paid) search engine results”-MOZ. When you are evaluating your SEO status, here are 7 useful steps to help optimize your websites potential.


1. Create an outline

Designing a clear structure of your content is going to help optimize your posts potential. Split up your work into an outline with an introduction, body, and a conclusion to help keep your things in order. Use paragraphs when you have lots of content. People don’t want to read large chunks on the page, so leave some whitespace to make it more appealing.

2. Use headings

When you start to add content to your page use headings to introduce your topics. Headings help optimize the readability on your post and also allow for Google to rank each post based on popular topics that are taken from headings.

3. Use OG tags

OG tags help make your page become a “rich” object in a social graph. These tags help with the display of your page and how you want your viewers to see your content when shared across social media platforms.

4. Keep your content up-to-date

Google needs to know that you are still running your website. In order to do so, stay active with your content and engagement. You are less likely to drop in rankings when you stay active and updated on your site.

5. Funnel Your Viewers

This concept is basically finding ways to keep people on your site. Make your viewers interested in what you have and don’t guide them away. When using links, make sure you create a second window so people can come back to wherethey originally started instead of losing them instantly.

6. Compress your images

Large images take too much time for your viewers to load. Compress your images so they are no bigger than 300kb.

7. Alt-Text

When viewers cannot see your image for any reason, slow connections, webpage errors, etc., it is a good idea to create alternative text so people get the idea of what they are missing.