Thoughts on the interview of Simon Sinek and Leadership


In class we watched a video that I think was very important about Simon Sinek and leadership. It was an interview between Simon Sinek and Marie Forleo. Simon Sinek is an entrepreneur, writer, and motivational speaker. He speaks about many things in the interview and most importantly about what makes a great leader. After finding that he was no longer passionate about his business, he went through a process and somewhat of a crisis in finding the “why” behind his work. After his business, he went on to write and to motivate others into becoming better leaders. His book Leaders Eat Last was also talked about during his interview. He also spoke about some experiences that led to writing that book.


I think that his most important point he makes is that leadership is not a rank but the outcome of choices that are made. These choices are those that are made to put others ahead of yourself and ones like taking risks or sacrificing so that the people around you don’t have to. I think that this is indeed what makes a good leader. Those who make these types of choices in life are definitely those who I personally would follow as my leader. I think that anybody can be a good leader but it’s not something that can be faked. I think you need to actually care about those around you and you need to want the best for them.

If you to see other students views on Simon Sinek, click here