7 great tips to improve your SEO


Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the online visibly of a website or a webpage in a web search engines unpaid results often referred to as organic results. Below you will find the top 7 tips for great SEO



1: Use Google Analytics

Once you start generating traffic to your website, you’re going to want to know what blog post are most popular with your audience, which websites are referring the most traffic, which geographic regions are sending you traffic, and what percentage of visitors are going on to become paying customers.

2: Using User-Friendly URL’s

When designing your URLs, always think about what’s best for the search engine as well as the user. Aim to convey the summary of your article in as few words as possible – this makes your page look more appealing to users and more intelligible to Google.

3: Relevant Meta tabs

Summarize the content of your page in less than 160 characters.

If you want to encourage someone to click through to your page, it’s essential they know what content it contains. While you should never opt for creative flare over facts, try to incorporate compelling langue that encourages people to click.

Make sure that every Meta description you write is unique.

4: Optimize title tags

When your site appears on search engine results, the title is the first thing that people will see. Therefore, it’s crucial that your titles are concise and easy to understand, you can further elaborate in your Meta description.

5: Using Alt Tags

Given that image searches are such an integral part of Google’s service, it’s important that you optimize your images so that Google can understand them.

Using images alt text, describe each image published on your site in concise, accurate terms. This isn’t the time to be flashy or creative, just stick to the facts.

6: Publish good and relevant content

The goal of content should always be to deliver value to human audiences. Technical SEO tactics help to ensure your content reaches the right people. Over time, an effective content strategy will generate SEO juice for your site. When this happens, old posts will start to generate organic traffic – even if they didn’t when you initially published them.

7: encourage social media sharing

If you want to get more social media shares, implement these tactics:

  • Publish high value content that people want to share
  • Relevant Hashtags
  • Publish content at optimal times.
  • Include prominent social sharing buttons on your website.
  • Build relationships with influencers and ask them to share your content on their social media channels.