7 Tips for Improving Your Website’s SEO

SEO Search Engine Google Rank

What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. SEO is important to understand because it is the increases the visibility of your website by improving your organic search engine rankings, whether is it through Google, Bing, Yahoo or others. Here are some tips that will help you get started improving the search engine ranking of your website.

“SEO is all about content marketing” says Sean Glasser, a SEO expert who administers Southern Oregon University’s website.

 1. Content matters

Google cares that you are an “authentic player” in the online world. Relevant and authentic content will help improve your website’s SEO. Find resources that will help you with creating good content. If you can’t write engage copy, find someone who is a phenomenal writer or get people with credibility or authority to create content. If you’re creating a website for a company, ask them for specific details about their culture and products to help build authentic copy for their website.

2. Quality over quantity

More words on your site does not mean it contains relevant information. Google analyzes the information and considers whether it is useful for Google search engine users. Find out what your unicorns are. Unicorns are posts that stand out and do exceptionally better on average compared to other posts. Find out what kind of content gains the most significant amount of engagement and create content around that theme/genre.

3. Have an accessible URL

Make sure your URL is readable and descriptive of your website. The URL should clearly describe what a user can find on your website.
Here is an example:  www.portlanddancestudio/jazzdance/classes/signup

4. Optimize your images for the web

Store for web when using applications like Photo Shop and use names for your images that describe what the image is. Also, don’t put words on your images and use compressed images so your page will load faster.

Here is an example of a proper image name: Portland-Dance-Studio-Class-Schedule-Chart.jpg

One thing to remember is that Google gives priority to capitalized letters.

5. Keep viewers on your page

Google takes priority to content that people spend more time looking at. To increase your SEO, you want your audiences to consume your content for at least 5-6 minutes. Therefore, it is important for your website to contain engaging content.

6. Use internal links

Since you want people to stay on your page, do not include links to outside sources that redirects audiences away from your page. You want people to reach the end goal of your website, not connect to another website because that user is most likely not going to return to yours. If you must include an outside link, have the user open the page in a new tab so your site remains on their deck.

7. Coming up with keywords

You can use the Google suggested search terms to add your own website keywords. Looking at the list can help you build an understanding of what people are searching for.

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