Writing E-Mails Like a Champion

E-Mails - Opening Image

What’s the big deal about E-Mails?

Every day we’re slammed with E-Mails. We’ve all seen, or have even been that individual who never deletes their E-Mails. They rack up by the thousands, usually rather quickly. In a world where everyone wants your attention, it can be extremely hard to stand out and deliver your message. So, how do you achieve such a goal? How do you as an individual acting on behalf of yourself or your company target and reach the right person with the right message? Let’s talk about E-Mails.


Where to begin

Writing an E-Mail can be tricky. In all honesty, you should always think about your target audience before coming up with content. Is your E-Mail targeted towards your boss, colleague, friend, mom? Or are you acting on behalf of your company, targeting a potential business partner, customer, government agency, etc. In the end, a small intro, body, and end E-Mail to your boss or colleague will look much different than an image, paragraph, closing image email about an interesting product to your customer.


Additionally, we can trap ourselves in the habit of proofing our work once and hitting send. As easy as proofing once is, we’re kind of playing on a thin line. Writing a quick E-Mail can be easy, but imagine reading what you’ve sent and finding errors or missing content. Sending multiple E-Mails to correct yourself can be embarrassing and in the end, an E-Mail can speak volumes about you as an individual.


Finally, sending your E-Mail at the right time is what makes, or breaks, and E-Mail. Internet is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week, but your receiving party is not. Don’t share your message at 4 am in the morning, instead, you’ll have a higher chance of grabbing someones attention later in the day.


Hopefully my insight will help you successfully send bright, meaningful E-Mails that get your message across the way you hope for!

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