Four Tips To An Effective E-mail
Beginners Guide to an Effective E-mail
Writing an e-mail sounds a lot harder than you think. Many people overthink it when really there are only a few simple steps to writing a great e-mail. Some simple things to keep in mind is to slow down and think out what you want to say.
4 Simple Steps
1. Content
When writing an e-mail, it is very important to have your content well thought out before starting. It may take a few minutes to digest what you want to say but this will allow to process your thoughts and compose great work. It takes time to formulate your thoughts, to figure out what you’re trying to say and to write your message out in a clear way. The content of your essay does not have to be long, but it should be well structured.
2. Beginning, Middle, & End
Your email should be in the “classic hamburger-style essay”; which means it should have an intro, a body, and a conclusion.
Intro: You should always start with a greeting. It should reflect the context of your conversation whether it is a friendly greeting or a preface about why you are reaching out.
Body: The body is the meat of your e-mail. This is where you provide all the information you want your recipients to know whether it is contextual info., details, or data. Provide your recipients with a reasoning for why they should sway towards your decision.
Conclusion: The conclusion should provide action steps rather than summarizing what you have already stated. Always close with a greeting and full signature.
3. Proofread & Fact Check
Once you have finished your e-mail, it is crucial to check your work for basic spelling and grammar errors. Also, fact check things like name spellings, events referred to, or dates you have mentioned.
4. Be Emotionally Intelligent
Your recipients should not have to feel like they are being pressured into a decision or that power is being taken away from them. Therefore, the first line of your e-mail is very important. It is important to be emotionally aware of the tone of your e-mail and making your recipients feel as if they are apart of the process, rather than a player in the game.