Email Top Five Tips and Tricks!

Email Tips and Tricks: How to write the best email you possibly can!


Although contact through email seems like something so old fashioned, it is something that is going to stick around forever.  Email is the best way to contact your professor, your boss, or even your future employers, while staying as professional as possible.  Here are my top five tips for writing the best email you can!

1. Include a greeting at the beginning and the end!

Start out your email with “Hello ____,” and follow that with a “I hope you are doing well” or “I hope you are having a lovely day so far.”  This makes whoever is reading the email, feel as though you do care and you are putting in effort to contact them.  That being said, always close off your emails with a simple greeting as well!  Ending your emails with “Thank you for your consideration” or “i look forward to hearing from you!”, encourages the recipient of your email to respond.

2. Proofread your email!

There is NOTHING more embarrassing than making a simple spelling error in an important email. Grammar and spelling can be huge turn offs for most professional individuals, especially if you are emailing about applying for a job.  Always read your email out loud before you send it, as it is easier to catch spelling and grammar errors that way.

3. DO NOT input the recipients email first.

Wait until you are sure your email is perfect until you include the recipients email address.  Sending an email that is not fully finished might even be more embarrassing than having a spelling error.  Inputing the recipients email last, ensures that you only send the email once it is 100% corrected.

4. Make sure that your facts are correct.

When sending an email containing important information, it is imperative that you check to make sure that all of your information is correct.  Sending someone false information could be incredible detrimental to you, and it is definitely worth the time to check and make sure you have your facts correct.

5. Be Personable

Now, depending on who you are emailing, you don’t want to be too upbeat and peppy, but you definitely want to show that you care and that you are passionate about whatever subject or job you are emailing about.  Make sure you show that you are knowledgable about the subject, and if you are emailing about questions, make sure they are detailed so that you get the best possible answer back


Follow these tips and tricks and you will be writing incredible emails in no time!  Check out the link below for some extra tips on how to write an effective email, by Forbes!
