Emily’s Top Ten! Final Takeaway Video

Emily’s Top Ten Takeaways!

I decided to use my love of editing in this final takeaway video project.  Throughout the last term I have learned so many tips and tricks about Marketing that I will carry with me forever.  Between learning about mobile marketing, SEO, AdWords, and how to write a good email, I feel prepared to conquer the rest of the classes for my marketing certificate.  I want to be a wedding planner in the future and I will luckily be able to use a lot of the information I learned in this class, in my future career!  Being able to market online will help my business stand out over others.  My Google AdWords Certification will be extremely beneficial when it comes time for me to market my business as a wedding planner.  After learning about all of the benefits of using Google Adwords, I have introduced it to my mother.  She has her own business as a chiropractor and using Google AdWords could be extremely helpful for her.

This class has urged me to go out of my comfort zone by turning in assignments via WordPress instead of Moodle.  I have also had the opportunity to use skills I have learned in my major when it comes to editing videos, taking instagram photos and more.  I believe that my final takeaway video embodies everything that I have learned throughout the term.  I am glad that I will be able to use this class in my future.

simon sinek book

A Good Read:

Simon Sinek: Leaders Eat Last