7 Tips for Great SEO

Search Engine Optimization Search Engine Optimization, or more commonly referred to as SEO, is the process of how efficiently you can make your website available, when being searched for on engines such as Google. Here are seven quick tips that will help your website standout from the competition:

1. KeyWords 

By establishing a solid grouping of two to five words that would be used to describe your business, you make the search engines job much easier. By not over complicating the search, and putting yourself in the customers shoes, the perfect keywords will be relatively easy to determine.

2. Research the Competition 

This one is simple, search for your business model, and take a note of what companies rank highest in Google’s search algorithm. See something useful? Good, from here, try to set your keywords and SEO Yoast layout accordingly to maximize the level of clicks your site will receive.

3. Have a Keyword in the Title Page

This will up your chances of the search engine recognizing your content as related to the initial search. Another trick is to make your article title interesting, the more eye-catching, the better.

4. URL Organization

Instead of having a confusing set of code or numbers after your “.com” in the URL, replace this section with words pertaining to topics in the title page. Google will more easily be able to find and decipher what your article is going to pertain to.

5.  External Links

These have become huge tools used by Google and other search engines, to get a customer from point “A” to “B” in the search process. By externally, or internally linking your post to other websites or articles, the post becomes interwoven with countless other websites, ultimately leading to more clicks, and more time spent.

6. Resize Images

An image that is to large for the users internet streaming potential, is working against you. There is nothing worse than an image on a website that will not load, or an image that is so large that the website will not load at all. Experiences such as that, can lead to a customer not returning, which leads to lost business. Take the time to resize images, data usage plans will thank you.

7. Use Alt Text 

Alt text allows a viewer to read what the image would of been, in the event of low internet service or computer malfunction. They also help search engine robots decipher that the image is related to your content, and not random.