5 Tips for a Great Email

EZEMAIL Today, businesses send thousands of emails to their customers daily, but how many of those emails are actually opened? The only way an email stands out to me is if I am expecting the message or the subject line attracts immediately. After discussing email marketing, I have learned the importance of sending a quality email. When an email does not appeal to a customer immediately, the email is more likely to be ignored. Now that email is such an essential platform for communication, disregarding the small things can result in meaningless email marketing. Being straightforward and efficient is important when using emails because this may be the only way businesses connect with their customers. Below are my 5 tips for writing a great email.

Tip 1 + Tip 2 + Tip 3 + Tip 4 + Tip 5 = GREAT EMAIL!

1. Create an Appealing Subject Line: The subject line is what catches the attention of the recipient. A unique subject line will make your email stand out more over others. Be specific and clear. Self-interest subject lines are the most productive, they are usually direct and speak to a specific benefit your audience will gain by opening the email. For More: Example Subject Lines

2. Address the Recipient and Set the Tone: Use the recipient’s name and salutation when beginning an email. Making the email personal will create a relationship between business and customer. A simple “Good afternoon James” or “Hey Karen, Hope all is well” will set the tone for the email because the customer believes this message is conversational and real.

3. Take Your Time: Take your time to create a persuading and influencing email. You need to explicitly state the action you’re looking for them to take and cannot afford to miss points or create sloppy content.

4. Never be sloppy: After creating a great subject line, setting the tone of the email, then writing the actual message, the hard work is done. The attention of the customer should already be captured, and the last step is to check the message. Read the email out loud and ensure all grammar is corrected prior to sending the email.

5. Sign-Off Positively: Leave a lasting impression on the customer. This becomes one last place to build trust, capture attention, and show your sentiment. For More Visit: Nine Email Sign-offs that Never Fail

I hope these tips give you the tools you need to write your next great email. For additional tips on email marketing visit Week 6 on our resources page here.