Summer Safety Tips

Summer safety tips:

Summer is upon us.  The joys of social events and laughter awaits.  Longer days and warmer weather allow us to be outside longer and longer.  Sometimes we over do things and end up with a headache or bug bites.  Every summer however serious injuries happen because people compound a bad situation into a dangerous one by forgetting a few simple safety tips.  Web-MD published a fun to read list of tips.

My summer safety tips.

These are my list of things to remember:

  • Drink lots of water.  The summer heat will dry you out before you feel thirsty.  Drink water before, during, and after anything your doing.  If your not peeing clear you are not drinking enough water.
Rogue River 2010. Brice Hulstrom. Safety on the river during the summer is essential to seeing the next summer.
Don’t drink this water with out boiling for at least ten to fifteen minutes.
  • Bring bug repellant.  Bug bites are not just annoying.  Bugs carry diseases and parasites harmful to humans and our four legged companions.  There are organic and non organic options for everyone.
  • Sunscreen is not just for lighter skin people.  Skin cancer is a killer no matter your skin tone.  Long sleeves, pants, long skirt, and a hat will help keep the sun off your skin.  If the material is lightweight you will actually stay cooler.
  • Finally, the last thing you need is a plan and a phone.  Ok so two things.  Make a PLAN for what you are going to be doing.  TELL people what you are doing and WHERE you are going.  Don’t forget to TELL people when you expect to be back.  BRING a phone in case something goes awry.


Have a great summer.  Be safe and have a plan.  Get a designated driver for your social events.  Don’t forget to have fun.

Gotta work? We have you covered.

If you are going to be working instead of playing try these marketing tips.  Here are some tips on how to e-mail clients.  Don’t forget to get out and have a little fun also.